We help the helpless of today so that they will be the helpers of tomorrow. Give HOPE, LOVE People, Share CHRIST
Child Sponsorship Program
We at Strong Roots Ministry believe that education is an integral ingredient towards improving the quality of life. A good education provides HOPE for a better future.
School Feeding Program
Nutritional and health status are powerful influences on a child’s learning and on how well a child performs in school. Simply alleviating this hunger in school children helps them
to perform better.
Sunday School Programs
It is also our deepest desire for the children to feel and understand the LOVE of GOD and GROW in the knowledge of faith in Jesus.
Mobile Library
Bringing them Dr. Seuss, Mickey, Wiinie the Pooh, dictionaries, bibles and other varieties of reading materialsto expand their horizon.
Sports Program
Cultivating their God given talents. teaching them the values of discipline, team effort and fair play.Understand the spirit of competition
Christmas Gift of Love Program
Many families cannot afford much of what we take for granted during the holidays — toys, treats, special food. Strong Roots Ministry provides Christmas hampers filled with the delights and necessities that make the season magical for families in need.
Summer Drop In Center
Learning how to read, playing new games, and having lots of FUN. A great way to spend summer days in the Island.
English Remedial
Getting the elementary kids to learn the English language from their Canadian Grandma. Can you say A (Eh?).
Community Garden
Give a man a veggie, feed him for a day. teach a man how to plant,give him a chance to feed his family for life.
Livelihood Program
Teaching new skills to provide better opportunities .A way to open new doors to support their families.